DMK Hydra Louffa 240ml
DMK Hydra Louffa is a superb, refreshing body cleanser and exfoliant in one. Hydra Louffa can be applied directly to the skin while showering or enjoyed in the bath. A non-granular liquid gel, it contains no harsh detergents. It is particularly effective for skin conditions such as acne breakouts on the back, chest or anywhere on the body as it contains no harsh ingredients. The cleanser also works well on recently waxed skin to prevent ingrown hairs. It can be used as a shampoo to treat dandruff and is great for preparing the skin for a fake tan, ensuring a long-lasting, even coverage.
The pH-balanced botanical body and bath wash includes birch bark extract to loosen and dissolve rough, dry skin, kelp to clean, purify and nourish skin and nettle extract to alleviate oiliness and the build up of dead skin cells.
Size: 240ml